Unico Formulations is the offspring of professional hairdresser Sofia Basile. With 26 years experience in the industry, 15 of those running her award winning Unico Hair salons, Sofia has undertaken the enormous task of setting up her own product line.


One could argue that her inspiration has come from two parallel sources: One of the strengths of Unico Salons is there ability to maintain close relationships with their customers over a long period of time. This has served as a source, not only of the qualitative requirements of a good hair product in practice but also there ability to answer clients broad hair needs.


As the wave of support for a greener world has taken shape over the past decade, Sofia felt a personal drive to develop products that met her professional expectations and was quite simply ‘home grown’.


Like the development of most new products, the Unico range was developed through a lack-there-of in the existing hair care market. The question was asked, ‘Where was a product that was designed, sourced and manufactured in Australia for those of us living in Australian conditions?’


Beyond the overly commercialized international products, Sofia wanted a product that was locally made, high performing in our native climate and based on a solid foundation of pure plant ingredients, vitamins and essential oils.


Sofia Basile


“When I started hairdressing, I suffered badly from dermatitis on my hands, which almost made me consider another career. The idea of developing natural products was planted in my mind and it grew steadily as the wave of support for a greener world took shape over the past decade. I noticed a real gap in the market for a homegrown eco-friendly professional hair range, so I set about developing the perfect formulation. I released the Unico Formulations range in late 2008 and could not be happier with the products.”

© copyright  unico  formulations  2013